5 Reasons to Drink Tea in Summer

Summer is here and with it your daily dose of vitamin D, and the warmth of the summer sun. However, along with that sun kissed glow comes the suns harmful and damaging UV radiation that can often leave skin looking dull and dry.?Counteracting these effects by drinking tea will allow for their powerful antioxidants, known as polyphenols, to reduce free radical damage and improve overall antioxidant activity. So while its important to keep the sunscreen handy and the SPF high, packing an extra iced tea bag into your summer cooler can provide a great second line of defense.

Next, tea can boost your metabolism and help you feel ready to adorn that new summer swimsuit just in time for summer. Sound too good to be true? Well, research has shown that drinking 3-5 cups of green tea a day inhibits the bodies glucose absorption into fat cells and work to stabilize these glucose levels, reducing overall appetite and working to prevent dramatic insulin spikes, an especially common byproduct of sugary sodas.

Third, and perhaps most obvious, is that drinking more tea will inevitably keep you more hydrated when the temperatures rise and your body needs it most! Debunking the myth that caffeinated teas will actually dehydrate you, studies reveal that even in a tea that is high in caffeine, there is still an overall net gain of fluid. In fact, time and time again, tea has been proven to be as hydrating a choice as water, but packs in an extra punch with its antioxidant density and other health benefits.

Give your workout an extra boost! With summer weather providing a perfect reason to get back outside and exercise, supplementing your workout with tea can increase muscle strength and reduce the risk of injury. The flavonoids found in green tea specifically are shown to reduce the risk of fracture and improve bone formation. Combine this with teas ability to lower blood pressure and use antioxidants to increase the bodies ability to burn fat for fuel and youre well on your way to your healthiest summer yet!

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