An Iced Tea a Day to Let You Cruise Through the Week

On a hot summer day, theres nothing that quenches the thirst and fosters relaxation quite as much as a frosty cold glass of iced tea. But what keeps you going through the gruelling and arduous week? Ever thought of having a variety of ice brew for each day a week? If not, try this to ensure your week at work is fun, healthy, and delicious.

Monday: For many, Monday is a struggle with hangover from the weekend and difficulty in just getting things started. TE-A-ME Lemon Cold Brew offers the best solution to both the problems as it is rich in antioxidants and nutrients to provide you with a fresh start for the week.

wild berry ice tea

Tuesday: You have overcome the Monday mania and you now deserve to have some fun with a fruity and berry delicious TE-A-ME Wild Berry iced tea. This iced tea is a perfect blend for summer with refreshing and fun flavor.

peach iced tea

Wednesday: Mid week crisis? Worry not, go for one of the most popular iced tea variety- Peach! TE-A-ME Peach iced brew not only helps your protect your skin in this scorching heat, but is also a flavorsome thirst quencher.

lychee iced tea

Thursday: They say variety is the spice of life. To quench your Thursday thirst, we suggest TE-A-ME Lychee Cold Brew. Abundant in Vitamin C and essential nutrients, Lychee iced tea can protect your skin and hair, and increases your immunity.

Friday: Possibly the most stressful day of the week! With piling work and weekend plans, TE-A-ME Mint Green iced tea is the ideal solution to calm your nerves and set you sail through the day and welcome the weekend.

This Summer, Travel with Iced Tea!

Tea drinking is a ritual. You have your favorite kettle, your favorite tea variety, your favorite mug, and your favorite hours of the day to have tea. Any deviation from the norm can throw off the whole cup. So why should travel hamper your tea ritual?

Fortunately there are ways to make traveling with tea easier, allowing you to indulge in your favorite cup at any hour of the day. Carrying TE-A-ME tea sachets is the simplest solution and answer to all your travel inconveniences. Does not matter if you are driving to your work place, taking a flight to another city, or looking for a quick refreshing break to your hectic schedule. TE-A-ME Ice Brew sachets are easy to travel with as it occupies minimal space and are safe to carry.

Whats more! You hardly need 5 minutes to prepare your iced tea, wherever you are! Your favourite mug, a TE-A-ME sachet, few ice cubes, and water is all you need to make an iced tea. If that does not please you, why not put an iced tea bag and pour cold water in your travel bottle and enjoy it on the go!

If there is anything we love in our busy lives, it’s a powerful drink we can grab on the go. Long have soda can and bottled water been mainstay of those seeking a cold drink while in the car or on the bus. Now with so many interesting flavors and health benefits of ready-to-drink teas, tea sachets to take on the go have a greater variety than ever.

The Healthy Summer Drink for Kids: Iced Teas

Summer heat calls for refreshing summer drinks! If you have children, you probably know that it can be challenging to keep them hydrated and happy, especially when they’re playing outside all day.

TE-A-ME Cold Brews can be a great summer refreshment for adults and kids alike. It’s packed with antioxidants and is sugar-free, making it a great alternative to artificially flavoured juice or soda. Further, parents always have the option of selecting the decaffeinated variety of iced tea.

If your kids are addicted to sugary fruit juices, try a fruity herbal teas by TE-A-ME. We love the Peach, Wild Berry, and Cranberry Apple iced teas!

Making a pitcher of homemade iced tea using herbal teas is always a good idea. All you need is ice, an infuser, cold water and one of our delicious and health iced tea flavors.

Drinks loaded with corn syrup or artificial sweeteners are certainly bad news and should never be started. Water is wonderful but can sometimes lose its excitement. Thus, iced teas make the perfect and most healthy alternative for you as well as your kids to stay hydrated this summer.